Master Your Mindset. Master Your Life.

Master Your Mindset. Master Your Life.

March 02, 20224 min read

Some of you reading this week’s blog will either know me as a friend or as a client, so I wanted to share a little bit about my story with you here today.

Growing up, I wanted to be an optometrist. Having had many eye operations myself to try and correct a squint, I thought it was only natural to pursue this career. So, for my year ten work experience I worked at an optometrist, and it signalled the beginning of a long career in optics, but never as an optom. I quickly discovered that people and sales were my strength, and diversity in the conversations that I was having was what made me tick. I moved my way up to leadership roles and moved from store to store taking on more responsibility and I loved it.

Then about five years later, an opportunity came to become a franchisee at Specsavers. An opportunity I took with both hands to become the director of two of the largest stores in Victoria. With continued focus on high performance as a franchisee, this would see me through the next fourteen years of my career. With a strong mindset and focus on high performance, I grew a large team from five to over fifty staff and the store experienced numerous expansions during that time. I was able to use my strong leadership, people management and high-performance skills all in the same job and I loved it. What I never realised though until much later though was that this is where my calling for high performance coaching and mindset mentoring actually started.

But just like the seasons, things change. I got married, had a family and began having life coaching myself, followed shortly after with mindset coaching. Why? To improve my mindset and become the very best version of myself. And, that’s where High Performance Coaching came in. I have always wanted a ‘life by design’ but to be honest, until the past couple of years it never had the meaning like it does now. Living a life of High Performance means wanting a life where yes, you CAN have it all! You just need to design it that way!

I often think about life like adding colour to a painting. Sure, you can have the same picture in black and white but isn’t it so more vibrant and more energising in colour?

It’s so important to teach my kids that they can strive to have it all. This is my deepest belief, a belief that if you put in the work, and know what you want, a life by design is only a few steps away. It’s all in your mindset. Then, it’s just a matter of putting in the steps to get there. That may mean you need to add some things, or, in my case, take some things away to focus on what you really want… more about that in another blog!

That’s the reason I wrote my books, and that’s the reason that I believe that anyone can set out to achieve whatever they desire. As a mentor, I find some clients really struggle with clarity around what they actually want. Life is about finding your passion and honouring the struggle throughout the journey.

High Performance means raising the bar in both your personal and your professional life, whilst maintaining your health and wellbeing, it should never be one over the other, and as a wife and mother of four young children, this is at the top of my list!

My last few words of advice would be, if you can cut through the chaos of life, find your centre and connect to your mental and emotional truths, life suddenly begins to look different. The ability to work on your mindset changes everything!

Instead of hiding, it’s important to embrace the challenges and honour our struggles we face in our lives. Find your passion, share your truths, and never settle.

As a High Performance coach and mentor my passion is to help people. I want to help you become the best you can both personally and professionally.

Until next time…

Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday!


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Written by


Belinda Colubriale

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