Certified High Performance Coaching Program

My CHPC program will help YOU or your whole TEAM elevate your performance in Life and in Business.

CHPC for Individuals

Time can be the most precious resource you have in work and in life, which is why your performance in every aspect of your life is something you can’t afford to ignore. Certified High Performance coaching is a process that allows you to reach heightened and sustained levels of performance in life both personally and professionally, whilst also maintaining your health and wellbeing. It empowers you to live a life where you are fully engaged, joyous and energised.

Throughout the program, I will work with you to help you break through the barriers that are stopping you from becoming the best version of yourself.

Outcomes you can expect when we work together:

  • Build clarity around who you are, your purpose and where you want to be in life and in business

  • Discover techniques that increase your energy levels so you can achieve your goals

  • Enhance your focus and learn how to prioritise your time to focus on what matters

  • Develop the skills needed to find the courage to have those difficult conversations

  • Master the tools to build confidence and express who you really are and what you want

  • Take ownership of your own mindset so no matter what is happening in the external, you’re in control

CHPC for Individuals
CHPC for Groups and Teams

CHPC for Groups and Teams

In any great business or organisation, it is the people who lay the foundation for success. When the team is aligned, inspired and motivated, great things are possible.

Through my CHPC Group Coaching Program, you’ll be able to get your team on the same page, aligning their goals and helping them to achieve success both personally and professionally.

Outcomes you can expect when we work together:

  • Unified team alignment and a clear vision for themselves both in life and at work

  • Improved energy and mental stamina along with the practical tools the team needs to help maintain it

  • Ability to develop positive influence in the workplace that translates to improved results when dealing with individuals

  • Development of habits that keep each team member on track and aligned to their goals in life and at work

  • Mindset control to manage daily challenges and maintain performance through difficult times

  • Invest in your teams performance and wellbeing, and show them their future is valued

CHPC for Groups and Teams

Why Choose Certified High Performance Coaching?

‘No matter how small you start, start something that matters’

CHPC for Groups and Teams
CHPC for Groups and Teams

Brendon Burchard

Meet the creator

  • Named by Forbes "the world's leading high performance coach"

  • Has personally presented to Oprah, various Elite Athletes and many Fortune 500 CEOs and their teams

  • Author of High Performance Habits, #1 New York Times best-seller

  • Created CHPC, the Highest rated coaching program worldwide for change

  • Has presented alongside other world leading influencers including Tony Robbins, The Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson

Brendon Burchard is the world’s #1 high performance coach, a 3-time New York Times bestselling author, and one of the most-watched, quoted, and followed motivational speakers in history. Success Magazine and O, The Oprah Magazine, named him one of the most influential leaders in personal growth. Forbes named him the world’s leading high performance coach. Larry King named him the world’s top motivational trainer.

Brendon is one the most requested high performance trainers and motivational speakers of all time.

What makes Certified High Performance Coaching different?

Most other coaching programs do not have a curriculum.

CHPC uses a curriculum that is proven, research based and results orientated. What does this mean? Put simply, there is value added into the program at every step along the journey.

Most other coaching programs are listening based.

CHPC is challenge based. During each session you will be trained on a particular tool, habit or concept and you will be given homework to begin working on this after the session.

Most other coaching programs offer outcomes that are unclear.

CHPC knows its intended outcome – its to get you to High Performance.

Most coaches are trained to elicit clients goals.

CHPC’s goal is to get you to reach High Performance in ALL areas of your life. You will have a roadmap to track your progress and this will allow you to feel that there is always progress being made and value being added, no matter the goal.

Do I really need a Certified High Performance Coach?

Change your mindset and get unstuck

If you’re feeling paralysed by indecision and have a sense of being “stuck”, CHPC can help you change that and move you forward again. Your mindset will begin to change, and you’ll not only feel more productive in your day to day, but also find more time for those things that were out of reach. Spending more time with friends and family, eating healthier, pursuing interests and generally being more fulfilled and confident in your goals are just a few of the benefits you can achieve through CHPC.

Learn to take better care of yourself

You leave with so much more energy, more time to explore your other passions and more time for self care. Ultimately by taking care of yourself in both your work and personal life you’ll be able to achieve higher levels of performance across the board. CHPC is a roadmap on how you can achieve this.

High Performance is a choice. It’s a decision you need to make, a decision to take control of your future

CHPC empowers you to take more action and be in the driver’s seat , and no matter the reason for beginning your journey, the benefits of CHPC will follow you for years to come.

Learn how to elevate and reach heightened and sustained levels of performance in your Professional and Personal Life

Why choose me as your High Performance Coach?

Hi I'm Bel,

Hi, I’m Bel, and over the past decade I have grown a business and team from the ground up. I have been able to run a flagship store in my brand, turn a team of 5 staff into one of over 50, had my sales turnover grow from $1m to over $8m per annum and lead 7 of my staff members to now have their own businesses and find success themselves.

I want you to live a life and have a business that you love and put simply, CHPC will get you there.

Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday

Client Testimonials

CHPC Case Studies


Dee had it all. The successful family business, the beautiful kids she had always dreamed of and a great network of friends, but the last 2 years and all the changes the world has been experiencing, had made a large impact on her emotional health. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but Dee had lost her mojo. Even though she was sceptical and reluctant at first, she took the leap and completed the High Performance program. We worked on her time management to get more quality time with family, and her clarity to set a clear path for the future amongst other things and we nailed down what she wanted from life.

These tweaks were all that was needed to improve her mental clarity and go back to living a life filled with joy.


Adam is a high performing leader who was having trouble with his sales team. Whilst he had always been a high achiever himself, growth had slowly stagnated at work and morale was down. Staff turnover had increased and customer satisfaction surveys were lower than they had ever been. It was time to act. After Adam completed his High Performance coaching, he began to notice changes in the workplace. It was both having the tools to refresh his focus and having someone in his corner who was able to challenge him and hold him accountable that helped turn things around. We worked on his courage to take more risks with his team and have those difficult conversations, combined with a purpose and values alignment. This was exactly what Adam needed.

He is finding now that the relationship he has with his team has improved and, as a result, the sales are the best they have been in over 2 years.

Check out my FREE eBooks

Featured Leadership Book

Featured High Performance Book

The Visionary Leader’s Playbook

Everyone has the ability to be a High Performing leader, but being that visionary person and being willing to lead the change requires a lot of courage, and it takes work and effort in a few critical areas to get you to that next level.

Featured High Performance Book

Becoming You - A 9 Step Guide to Personal Empowerment and Transformation

Setting yourself up for success is essential to achieving your goals and living a life that fulfils you. This includes work, relationships, finances, health, hobbies, and more.