The Power of Focus
How to Stay Focused When Everything Feels Urgent
We’ve all been there, right? Your inbox is full, your phone notifications are constantly pinging, and the to-do list never ends. Every request feels urgent – at work and at home and before you know it, you’ve spent the entire day firefighting instead of moving forward on the things that truly matter. The things that will move your life forward. The things you are passionate about – if you even have time to think about what that is.
So, how can you stay focused and tackle what’s important without getting lost in the noise? And what separates a High Performer (the top 15%) of individuals from others when it comes to this?

The Reality of ‘Urgent’ Versus ‘Important’
Do you ever feel like you’re pulled in a thousand directions? We’ve all been trained to react to what seems urgent”, but the real question is: Is it really urgent? Often, what seems urgent isn't as important as it appears. And, that’s where the magic of focus comes in. The ability to be able to differentiate between what is actually urgent versus what is not.
Take Courtney for example - Courtney was a CEO who spent most of her days responding to urgent requests. Her calendar was packed with meetings, phone calls and the constant pull of her team’s needs – need which they had been accustomed to her solving even they could work it out themselves with some effort.
It wasn’t until we worked together on identifying her true priorities on both a personal and professional level that Courtney realised she was spending far too much time on low priority tasks. She then realised that it was no wonder she wasn’t moving projects forward at the pace she wanted, nor was she empowering her team to do so either.
Once we introduced “focus time” into her routine, dedicated to her most critical projects, she made a monumental shift. Instead of reacting to every urgent request, Courtney became proactive, strategically planning for her future and advancing her business goals and she would quite often handball back the “urgent” requests to the team to empower them.
Within just a month of scheduling intentional focus time, Courtney’s productivity skyrocketed. She was no longer bogged down by distractions and was able to accomplish more in less time.
How I Mastered Focus
I know this journey all too well. Early in my career, I was constantly pulled in multiple directions, responding to every call and email that came my way. My team’s needs often dictated my day, leaving little room for the high level thinking and strategy that were essential for growth. And, when I could do this it was often at home again taking away time from my family or at times when I was exhausted.
The game changer for me setting up dedicated meetings with my work partners. We started setting aside specific blocks of time for deep, uninterrupted work and personal reflection. And, we began to work on things that would move our business forward. What we would call “out of the box thinking time”. This simple strategy allowed us to stay on track and accomplish what truly mattered. It also lead my team through tremendous growth, both professionally and personally.
Your Action Plan: How to Stay Focused When Everything Feels Urgent
So if you are ready to take charge. Here’s a an actionable plan to help you shift from reactive to proactive and stay focused on what matters most:
1. Assess Your Calendar:
Look at your current schedule. Where can you carve out focus time for your priorities? Block out time for deep work, strategic planning, or personal reflection. Treat this time as non-negotiable.
2. Say “No” to Low Priority Requests:
Learn to say “no” or “not now” to requests that don’t align with your goals. This can be tough, but it’s crucial for your productivity and peace of mind. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re being unhelpful; it means you’re prioritising your time for the things that truly matter.
3. Eliminate Distractions:
Turn off notifications, close unnecessary tabs and set boundaries. Focused work requires a clear, undisturbed environment. The fewer distractions you face, the easier it will be to concentrate on your top priorities.
4. Be Intentional with Your Time:
Start your day by identifying your top three priorities. What must be accomplished today? Be intentional with your time, making sure your energy is spent on the most impactful tasks.
The Bottom Line
When everything feels urgent, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos. But remember, the key to sustained success is focusing on what’s truly important, not what’s urgent. By creating space for focus and aligning your time with your goals, you can reduce stress, increase productivity, and achieve lasting success.
For more inspiration or to explore my other blog posts or have a listen to my podcasts. And, if this is something you struggle with book a call and let’s chat - I would love to connect.
Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday!
Your coach,