Leading with Focus

Leading with Focus

February 19, 20255 min read

Leading with Focus: Stop Drifting & Start Moving Toward Your Goals

Have you ever felt like you’re just going through the motions, reacting to what life throws at you rather than steering toward what you truly want? In my initial conversations with clients this is one of the most common things I hear. They want more time to focus on things that will change their lives but they are unsure of how to get it, or where this time will even come from.

The truth is, a High Performing leader doesn’t drift, they lead with focus. They make intentional decisions, stay clear on their direction and build the habits that move them closer to their goals. It doesn’t matter whether you are leading a team, a business, or just yourself, your ability to stay focused and aligned with your vision is the key to success and this is what separates the top 15% of individuals from the rest.


So how do you apply this into your own life? Below are my top 5 tips to help you do just that:

Tip #1. Know Where You're Going - and Own It

The biggest reason people feel stuck is that they’re unclear on what they actually want. They are so busy chasing and following what they should be doing that they find themselves feeling unfulfilled.

Ask yourself:

What does success look like for me, not for society, not for my industry, not for my past self, but for who I am today?

Get crystal clear on your goals and don’t be afraid to own them completely. No more waiting for permission. No more doubting whether you’re capable. If you want it, it’s possible but only if you lead yourself there.

Tip #2. Be the Example - Not the Excuse

Leadership isn’t about words it’s about actions. If you want to inspire others, start by leading with intention.

It’s true what Mel Robbins said – if you want to know what people are thinking and feeling cover your ears and watch what they do.

That means:

✔ Making decisions that align with your values

✔ Not falling back into old patterns (including toxic relationships, bad habits, or past mistakes)

✔ Showing up every day as the person you aspire to be

You can either be the example of what’s possible OR the excuse for why it’s not. Which one will you choose?

Tip #3. Build the Habits That Support Your Growth

Success doesn’t come from a single breakthrough moment, it comes from the daily habits you commit to. Yes, it’s those early morning wake up’s when you can’t be bothered, its those moments of staying committed when you feel tired and when you feel like it isn’t working or you are not seeing progress. It’s removing yourself from something that is no longer serving you to make a change that will support the future you.

If you’re serious about leading with focus, you need routines that reinforce it:

✔ Start your day with intention. Spend 5 -10 minutes mapping out your top priorities before the chaos kicks in.

✔ Remove distractions. Say no to what doesn’t serve you, whether its those who drain your energy, pointless meetings that you attend or even hold that really hold no value or habits that pull you off course.

✔ Take aligned action. Everyday, do at least one thing that moves you closer to your long term vision. Small, consistent actions create momentum. And momentum creates results.

Tip #4. Don’t Look Back - Unless You’re Learning From It

What I see is all too often, people stay stuck in the past, rehashing mistakes, replaying regrets, or getting pulled back into relationships and situations that no longer serve them. But here’s the truth: you can’t move forward if you’re still gripping onto what’s behind you. Success just doesn’t work that way. And, sometimes that is hard to recognise and sometimes that is confronting.

It’s about letting go of the patterns that held you back. Learning the lesson, taking the wisdom, and using it to fuel your growth. You can’t expect a different result from repeating the same cycle.

This can be in the way you lead, this can be in a relationship you keep going back to. My advice - stay away, there is a reason it did not work and until you learn the lesson this will keep appearing in your life and hindering your growth and your potential.

Tip #5. Stop Making Excuses - Start Leading With Focus

Do you often find yourself placing blame externally as the reason you are not moving in the direction you want to live? The truth is, you can blame circumstances, timing, or other people, or you can take ownership of your path.

When you find yourself doing this, I challenge you to ask yourself, What would a High Performer do? The truth is, high performers don’t wait for the perfect moment. They don’t say, I’ll start when things settle down. They decide now is the time and nothing or no one will stop them from moving forward.

So my challenge to you is this:

Take 10 minutes today to reflect on the following questions:

  • Am I leading my life and career in a way that gets me closer to my dreams?

  • Where have I been drifting instead of intentionally moving forward?

  • What’s is one small action I can take today to lead with more focus?

Success doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by choice. So, choose to be intentional. Choose to be the example. And most importantly, choose to lead your life with focus.

Are you ready to step into the next level of leadership? Let’s make it happen (book a call with me).

Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday!

Your coach,


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Written by


Belinda Colubriale

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